Live Tour 2010: An Evening with the Captains of Deadliest Catch

Last night, skippers Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand, along with Sig Hansen, began their ‘Evening with the Captains’ tour in Portland, Oregon!  They’re traveling cross-country and making a total of nine live appearances that stretch from the west to east coasts and up into Canada (see list of appearances below).  If you’re a ‘Deadliest Catch’ fan interested in learning some behind the scenes tidbits and having your questions personally answered by these seasoned veterans of the industry, then this is a must for you!

According to a web article posted on last night’s event, fans were treated to a wealth of ‘Deadliest’ secrets that we wouldn’t know otherwise.  You should read the entire article to get all the juicy details but I’ll give you a short excerpt here…

Capt. Phil Harris’ fishing vessel, the Cornelia Marie, is going to continue next season (most likely on “Deadliest Catch”) with Capt. Phil’s boys, Jake and Josh, running things (co-owner Cornelia Marie will still be the owner). The breaking news is that Sig will help them out during King Crab season, and Jonathan will be there for Opilio.

Andy and Jonathan want to retire after one more year, so they’re still hoping Jonathan’s son, Scotty, might take over the boat. (Their top pick from the Time Bandit crew, Mike Fourtner, ended up getting his own fishing boat, so he can’t commit to them for the entire year anymore.)

They have no complaints about the editing, and think that Discovery depicts their situations as honest and truthful as they can — although Sig did complain that his boat catching on fire didn’t make it into the show. He said he understands they have to cut four months of footage down into a few hours, “But what about my fire?!” He also said he won’t keep doing the show forever, though it’s been better than he thought. “I’ve kicked the cameras off my boat only twice.”


startour 7/24/2010 8:00pm
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall Portland, OR TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/4/2010 8:00pm
Red Robinson Show Theatre
Coquitlam, BC TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/5/2010 8:00pm
River Cree Resort and Casino


startour 9/8/2010 8:00pm
Lyric Opera House
Baltimore, MD TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/9/2010 8:00pm
Dupont Theatre
Wilmington, DE TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/10/2010 8:00pm
Providence PAC
Providence, RI TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/11/2010 8:00pm
Lowell Memorial Auditorium


startour 9/12/2010 7:00pm
Merrill Auditorium
Portland, ME TICKETS | MAP


startour 9/14/2010 8:00pm
Casino Nova Scotia


Additional info is available on the F/V Timebandit website–make the jump!

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14 Responses to Live Tour 2010: An Evening with the Captains of Deadliest Catch

  1. Kathy Beall says:

    How about Texas? Too hot for you boys? Come one!!!! Get to Texas already!!!!

  2. Lothian says:

    Wow! I hope I understand it right that Sig will *captain* the boat for Kings and Jonathon for Opies. What an interesting season THAT would be!

  3. tammy s says:

    That is great, Sig and Jonathon helping the boys out on the CM. Capt. Phil would be so proud. I wish the captains were coming closer to Indiana, I would LOVE to go see them. I will miss new episodes of Deadliest Catch for 8 whole months, it always seems like forever. I wish the seasons would last longer. Show us more of the taped footage, and make the seasons last longer so we have something decent to watch on tv!!!!!

  4. Lin Ackerman says:

    Hey If coming to Canada, why not the Okanagen?????It much better than
    Coquitlam, in Vancouver B.C. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, guess i wont make it, love yah all anyway ,,,,,,,,,

  5. Lori says:

    Great post – would love to see them in Halifax. Just went there via crusie ship and would love to go back. Good luck everyone in these areas. My deepest thanks to Sig and Johnathan for watching over the boys. Phil will be watching over all of them from above.

  6. gail says:

    I think it’s great of Sig and Johnathan to help the boys out this way. It’s really a wonderful solution. I am curious whenever it keeps being talked about Cornelia Marie owning the boat. I thought Phil was a co-owner. If that’s so, what happened to his share of ownership. Why are the boys not automatically getting his share. Josh has said it’s going to take two million dollars to buy the boat?! I think there are enough fans out here that if they held a “telethon” I bet folks would give. I don’t know if the entire amount could be raised but I bet a big chunk could be. There are too many viewers out here that love Captain Phil and Josh and Jake. Just a thought. We love all you Captains and crew like you were FAMILY.

  7. Monica says:

    What about Louisiana, Guys? Especially in the Slidell area. I would love to meet you guys. My son would also love to meet you, he was a fisherman too sometime ago.

  8. Naomi says:

    You guys should come to Michigan!! Grand Rapids to be more specific 🙂

  9. suzie says:

    Awesome show in Portland. Thank you guys!!!!!

  10. dan reynolds says:

    hey guys, don’t forget about us in the sout, if texas is south. but we love u too. know it’s hard to get too everybody, but i personaly have’nt seen tx yet. although u did do La.. just a bit out of reach. i’m confident you’ll make it this way some day.
    stay safe & cool as u are ,love henrietta,tx.

  11. Micki says:

    Hey Naomi! I agree….we need the fellas to come to Michigan! I’d come see them in Grand Rapids! Come on guys! We fish here in Michigan too!

  12. Pauline says:

    any plans on coming to Ontario – would love to see the show

  13. Heather Beer says:

    Please come to Ontario..I .would really like to see you guys in person!…. BTW: the show is Awesome!

  14. Maggie T says:

    Caught the Captain’s last night in Baltimore. What a hoot. Put on a 90 minute gabfest that had the crowd – full theater I might add – on their feet and howling with laughter. The audience was a fantastic cross of America…women, men, boys, white collar, crabbers, college students.
    An indication of the wide appeal of these dudes.
    Sig was animated and probably the craziest of the 3, as we expected Johnathon to claim that distinction. Andy the horsewhisper was the quietest. Catch this show if you can. Well worth every penny!
    For my exclusive interview, check out

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